建築物水安全計劃 (Water Safety Plan for Buildings)

主題Topic: 建築物水安全計劃Water Safety Plan for  Buildings
日期Date: 2023年4月21日(星期五)

21 April 2023 (Fri)

時間Time: 下午3時至4時30分

3:00 – 4:30 pm

模式Mode: 網上會議 Webinar via Zoom Meeting

Target Audience:

管理級人員Management Staff
名額Capacity: 350名 nos.
語言Language : 廣東話 Cantonese
費用Fee: 免費 Free of Charge
內容Contents: 儘管水務署供應的食水可安全飲用,水質還是會受到內部水管系統的不同因素影響,例如食水水箱未有妥善清理,或內部水管系統因水流停滯或使用不合適的喉管物料等原因受污染。因此,水務署一直向業主及物業管理人宣傳,鼓勵他們按照世界衞生組織的建議於其樓宇實施建築物水安全計劃,以保障食水安全。

本研討會介紹建築物水安全計劃在香港的發展和實施, 並簡介「大廈優質供水計劃—食水(管理系統)」、「水安全計劃資助計劃」和「大廈優質供水計劃-沖廁水」。

Notwithstanding that the water supplied by WSD is safe to drink, the water quality could be affected in the internal plumbing systems due to various factors, such as the drinking water tank is not properly cleaned, or the internal water supply system is contaminated due to stagnation of water or use of inappropriate plumbing materials. WSD has been encouraging the property owners and management agents to implement water safety plan for buildings (WSPB) in their buildings to ensure the safety of drinking water in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).

This seminar introduces the development and implementation of WSPB in Hong Kong.  We will also touch on the Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System), Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme and Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Flushing Water.



張兆發先生 (水務化驗師, 水務署)

Mr. Cheung Siu Fat (Waterworks Chemist, Water Supplies Department)

吳志豪先生 (工程項目統籌, 水務署)

Mr. Ng Chi Ho (Project Coordinator, Water Supplies Department)